04. Yes and… Improv

How can we use ideas from improv to improve our creative practice? Spontaneity and creativity aren’t so far apart…

Using the ‘Yes And’ approach borrowed from improv comedy can also be a mindset to foster ongoing creativity, effective communication, and even strong boundaries.

The last episode is about overcoming fear of rejection – and I’m curious if you’d find any connections here.

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In This Episode:

  • 00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
  • 00:34 The Power of ‘Yes, And’ in Improv
  • 03:04 Applying ‘Yes, And’ to Real Life
  • 04:21 Book Recommendations and Personal Insights
  • 06:00 A Spontaneous Adventure in Salt Lake City
  • 08:00 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Books Mentioned

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Thank you for being here and for being a Super Connector!

ryan@buildwithmaple.com Avatar

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