02. Define Your Audience (Naming Super Connectors podcast)

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Choosing a name is one of the most important parts of design – it applies to your business/organization, and also to projects, events, courses, books, blog posts, etc…

In this episode I’ll share my process of naming this podcast Super Connectors, and who it’s for.

The question “Who is your audience” has always kept me in a loop, overthinking, and changing gears. This is arguably the most important part of any project. It’s literally the context itself!

It’s now clear to me with this name. For the past 10 years I’ve worked with Super Connectors!

These are people who prioritize connection and provide generous value. They host events, create cohorts, host talk shows, and build communities. They bring out the best in others and grow networks.

Are you a super connector?

If so, let’s chat! You can book a call with me anytime.

Knowing this gives me unlimited ideas for things to share, stories from a decade of design and website strategy, successes and lessons hard learned. I’m so excited to share it with you. 

How (quick behind the scenes and tools)

I created a logo quickly in Canva and used Transistor.fm to host the podcast.

I connected it to Kit for audience building and embedded the player on my website.

I edited the podcast in Descript, using Studio Sound to improve audio quality. Transistor helped connect everything to different podcast streams, so all good to go! 

Thank you for being here and for being a Super Connector! 

ryan@buildwithmaple.com Avatar

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