Planning and planting

Planning and Planting at Maple Creative

Last month I told you about Ecosia and gave you a list of our nature-aligned clients. Well, I am LOVING Ecosia and it’s my default search engine. Besides planting trees, it’s giving me better search results too.

Coming up are a series of Springtime workshops to help you plan (or clarify) your website. This is an opportunity to talk about your website project and identify how you’re going to make progress and growth this year.

β†’ RSVP here, Website Planning Workshop with Maple Creative

Included is a worksheet and video lesson.

🟒 Live from the Maple Studio

About half of our team is producing an online program with Dr. Christopher Hobbs, author of Medicinal Mushrooms: The Essential Guide.

We’ve already hosted a few webinars, had a strategy call with Chris, mapped out an education-based promotion strategy, and launched a survey to 11,340 people. Now we are designing a free guide to medicinal mushrooms we can share next week.

A book like this is the essence of a generous, education-based approach to marketing. The book is less than $30, and informs and inspires people to go even further into the topic.

The book does not interrupt anyone – it simply provides value. It helps the reader pursue an interest, overcome a barrier, and answer a question.

The “true fans” will be there to ask… what’s next?

We’ll talk about this more at the workshop – specifically about how to plan your website around this principle of growth through generosity. What can you offer that helps your readers “Get” what you do? What can you teach that will prepare someone for what you offer?

For us, it’s helping you plan your website.

Since our goal is to help you design and build your website – it’s pretty important that our clients are clear on what kind of website they are building, and what is the best fit for them.

That’s why I’m going to share the planning process with you. The same process and workbook we use with our clients.

🌰 Time to go outside

Today the first seeds fell from the great Silver Maple. They weren’t quite ready. They were blown from the branches in a storm. The rest will be here soon – spiraling as far as the wind will carry them.

Some will land in our garden – a lucky spot for a silver maple.


πŸ’¬ Let’s talk. Are you working on a website or looking for information about improving your website? Schedule a 15-minute call to talk about it at

Ryan Clover

Designer and founder of Maple Creative, providing technical wizardry for activists, educators, and small business owners who are out to change the world.