01. The Secret is to Begin – Super Connectors

Welcome to the very first episode of Super Connectors – a podcast for creators, organizers, community builders, and thoughtful hosts.

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Let’s start this 30 day challenge!

It’s beginning as any creative project ought to with a 30 day challenge. The goal: produce and publish content daily, focusing on publishing over perfection.

This episode includes some thoughts on digital strategy, permaculture, and iterative process from Ryan Clover, designer and founder of Maple Creative and JoinKit. It also includes a preview of the framework we (here at Maple Creative) use when coaching our clients on their content.

What to expect: In this and future episodes you’ll learn tools to grow a meaningful, profitable, and impactful website and online business that connects people.

Welcome to super connectors episode one!

ryan@buildwithmaple.com Avatar

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